Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day on the Road!

Monday morning, we had great plans! Get up bright and early at 7:30 AM, shower, get dressed, finish packing and loading, say our good-byes, and drive away from our old house at 9 AM. They were great plans, weren't they?

Sunday evening, mama had a headache but worked through it with the grand idea she will get plenty of sleep that night to take care of it! Nope, baby had other plans! So, 7:30 AM rolls around and our alarm clock is ignored and the snooze button becomes our best friend. Around 8 or so, we finally get up and get showered. My mom comes to spend time with the baby while I pack. Kevin has to run errands so we can get on the road. 9:30 rolls around and is soon forgotten as Mark (Kevin's dad) comes over with the truck and trailer to finish loading us all up.

At around 11:30, my mom, step-dad and I say our "see you later's" (we plan to be back in October for fall break with family).
Now, we frantically shove everything that will fit into the trailer and hit the 12:24 PM! So, we drive and drive and drive. 3 miles later, we stopped to grab some food. Now we drive and drive and drive, and about 15 miles from home we ran into a traffic jam. That is okay, the baby is ever patient as we pick up speed and drive and drive and drive. We made it about 45 miles (in an hour an a half) and she had just started to nod off when BOOM! The vehicle behind us, a tractor trailer (you know, the big 18-wheeler?), gets rear-ended by a U-Haul (you know, the kind you drive in?)! It was such a powerful collision we felt the concussion in our chests. YIKES! Now, the baby is fussy because her nap has been interrupted and Kevin and I had a sick feeling in our stomachs and we say a quick prayer for the U-Haul driver, whose rear end can be seen above the tractor trailer. We heard that part of the interstate was closed for about 6 hours for clean up.

After driving forever, we make it to Blacksburg, VA where we meet up with the man who helped us start this journey - Brian Behal! Our MAF recruiter!
After eating dinner with him, we head to a hotel nearby. Grand total: 5 hours away from home. Time it took Adah to sleep that night: 5 hours! Poor baby couldn't sleep and when she did, it was fitful! I am just glad we decided not to drive to Washington, D.C. all in one day. Adults can do a 10 hour drive, babies can not!

Second Day on the be continued.

1 comment:

  1. So thankful that you are safe!! Seeing a wreck like that reminds us how life can change in a second. I have been praying for all of you, especially Adah, to have a good trip. When things don't go as planned I call it an "adventure and a good story".
    Dawn Reaves
